Fire Hoses for Sale | Buy Big Hoses Today!
Fire hoses are constantly in demand in our ever-changing world. But, if you're trying to meet a municipal budget, where do you turn? Your friends at BullDog Hose have been helping fire departments around the US and Canada discover their perfect work balance. Finding the needs to meet safety with the durable hoses that would break a fire department's budget.
Big Hoses that don't break the bank
When people think of fire hoses, their background changes their opinion of them. Older veteran firefighters remember the thick monstrous hoses of the 1970s that made high-rises difficult to navigate. While most fire houses have gotten rid of those bulky behemoths, what are they doing in 2021?
The answer is simple for many fire fighters and fire departments around the US and Canada. They're struggling with big hoses from a bygone era that aren't getting the job done. Couplings are worn or a little off. If that wasn't enough, the same fire fighters are having to keep up with changing fire fighting standards.
What is the right size hose for fire fighting and attack?
Fire fighting and fire attack have several unique demands. First, they have to be able to be used and save lives. Second, the fire fighting hose costs can't break the Department's budget. Finally, they have to be perfectly adapted to fit and attack fires in the most accurate way.
The idea of big fire needs big water is traditionally heard in fire fighting. That has lead to the majority of fire departments purchasing larger hoses ala something with a 2 1/2 inch handline. While this standard was applied for years without any consideration towards fire fighting needs, the National Fire Academy found a formula to help you pick the best hose.
Length x Width / 3 x Rate of Involvement
So, let's say you have a 25 foot length of hose and the width of a building is 40 feet that is 25% on fire.
25 x 40 = 1,000 square feet
1,000 divided by 3 is 333.3
333 x .25 = 83.25 gallons per minute.
The benefits of knowing the right size fire hose formula
The NFA formula allows fire departments to measure and understand what they need on the fly. While this is helpful for online and in-person shopping, these modern mathematic applications help your Fire Department save money. Times are tough and budgets aren't what they used to be, but every municipality and bigger city needs fire fighting materials.
BullDog Hose has Fire Hoses for Sale
At BullDog Hose, we have many fire hoses for sale. But, which is best for you? While we've discussed the need to keep an eye for the best fit, provided a formula to figure out your needs and guided you in your journey…what's next?
Examine our Top 5 hoses for Fire Departments
Attack Fire Hoses
Hi-Combat II
Supply Line Fire Hoses
General Fire Hoses
While browsing the Fire Hoses for Sale, don't forget to look at the Fireguards
Fireguards are a very aggressive fire hose meant for interior attack. Too often, we see Fire Departments only concentrating on their immediate needs for external fires. The special weave and flexibility of the Fire Guard aids transport and helps for specialized fire fighting. During the summer, public fire fighting statements have shown that that fireguards can assist with waterside related fire needs.
Don't forget to check out the fire nozzles. Do you need a fog nozzle or a smoothbore nozzle?
Smoothbore nozzles have an open path from coupling to nozzle tip. If you want to create different kinds of streaming patterns, you're going to want a fog nozzle. The traditional firefighter will find what they need with a smoothbore nozzle. However, there is an added benefit to having the ability to apply different kinds of pressure depending on what a situation needs.
You have a choice in purchasing Fire Hoses, make sure you pick the best with BullDog Hose.