Equipment Safety
Manure pumping season can be one of the busiest and most dangerous times of the year for those in the dragline application industry. Knowing all the equipment safety risks is a vital element in maintaining the safety of your dragline operation. There are a few things you can do to ensure every crew member stays safe through the season.
Training Employees
An important variable in the safety of your dragline operation is the familiarity employees have with each operation and piece of equipment. Dragline crew members should all be trained on different equipment with a range in engines, voltage, functions, and more. A Boom Truck, a Lagoon Feeder with a Lead Pump, and a Force Feed trailer are all very different machines that perform the same action in different ways. The maintenance and safety precautions are specific to each piece of equipment, and anyone on your crew should have a basic understanding of each one.
New employees should receive adequate support and supervision during their training to ensure they know the equipment. After teaching them the differences in your operation’s equipment, perform a dry run with the employee and show them each step of the process. Working slowly provides a smooth operation, and a smooth operation becomes a fast and efficient one. The first days on a custom application job are critical to establishing a great plan with your team moving forward. It can also help keep good employees around, as well.
Cleaning the Line
Pigging the line can be one of the most dangerous parts of manure application. Compressed air can be very dangerous, so it’s important to prepare your equipment beforehand. Additionally, team communication is vital while shooting the pig. Safety chains and clips should be secured to the equipment, and all pumps should be shut down with clutches engaged. Your team should be made aware that they are to give the line some distance. You can maintain that distance by using LightSpeed to control the event. LightSpeed allows you to open gates and shoot the pig from any connected, web-enabled device. After pigging, you can wirelessly open all gates and valves to relieve the entrapped air. It can take time for the system to depressurize, so be patient while air exits the system. You should never open access caps or break couplings while under pressure.
Equipment safety and knowledge of dragline equipment in your operation is vital to ensuring crew safety. For more information on Puck equipment and procedures, check our online manuals. Find an upcoming Pump School date to learn more about equipment safety, operation efficiency, and to talk with our experts and other applicators.