Puck Fire – A Whole System Approach to Fire Suppression
Every moment counts when putting out a fire. The time it takes to get to the scene and get set up makes all the difference. Puck’s fire suppression system is proven to move large volumes of water at high flows and has been designed for rapid deployment. Puck Fire equipment has you covered at the scene from water source to nozzle, ready to help put water on the fire. The whole system approach of Puck Fire equipment can save your crew time at each step of the water transfer process, without adding more manpower.
Large diameter hose deployment is more efficient with the TTR15P hose reel. Arriving at the scene and maneuvering across the fire ground is effortless with the TTR15P. This hose cart utilizes mechanical power to safely deploy large diameter hose via remote control operation. Designed for a single operator, laying hose has never been easier or quicker, as the 38 HP gasoline engine powered reel can reach a speed of 2.5 MPH. Operators can either lay hose from a distance or walk alongside it during deployment.
Stationary retrieval also allows operators to control the hose reel from the manual controls located in the powerpack. The Puck Fire turn table reel, with a 2,500’ capacity for 8” LDH, enables firefighters to rapidly access distant water sources. Hose retrieval with Puck’s TTR15P requires less labor, making it faster, safer, and more efficient for your fire brigade than flaking water supply hose.
Quick Attack
Get to the scene and get water on the fire fast with the rapid deployment of a mobile attack platform. Add the Puck Fire Quick Attack to the 8’ bed of a truck of your choice. This allows you to maneuver through the fire scene more easily than with a fire truck. Quickly pull into position and hook up the supply fire hose to the 6” pipework on either side of the vehicle for high flows, fast. Control the two TFT Monsoon or Master Stream nozzles remotely from a safe distance with the optional remote controls.
Force Feed Trailer
Any rural firefighter can tell you that if you can find an open body of water, you can utilize a water supply. The Puck Fire Force Feed Trailer brings versatile power to establish a water supply solution quickly. Pull the gooseneck chassis of the FF4500-45 to the fire scene and near the water for quick and easy deployment. Large, electric-over-hydraulic downriggers provide stability when you maneuver the trailer to the body of water. The 45’ horizontal reach of the remote controlled knuckle boom can reach out and down to ponds or up and over sea walls to establish a water supply. Space on the trailer allows for storage of supplies or foam concentrate to be integrated with water at the beginning stages for more efficient fire suppression.
With 8” pipework and 6”-10” discharge connections, the Force Feed trailer can reach high, uninterrupted flow rates. The 577 HP Cat pump engine is paired with a 8NHG19 Cornell pump with 19″ impeller for maximum displacement. The submersible pump is surrounded by a cage to ensure obstructions from the water don’t slow you down. Built solid with hydrostat controls and designed for ease of deployment, the FF4500-45 brings a higher level of performance for pumping water.
Give your crew unmatched operational safety with LightSpeed control at your fingertips. LightSpeed’s automated pump controls give firefighters the ability to control every pump on the fire scene from a single screen. The control system’s remote gauging allows the operator to regulate pressures, control valves, and adjust engine speeds from a distance. Operators can make real-time, data-based decisions from any connected, cellular-enabled device with a 99% uptime guarantee. Variable changes and line breaches are automatically detected. If your supply hose breaks, LightSpeed will shut down the line and notify you of the issue.
The LightSpeed control system enables firefighters to respond to emergency situations quickly. Give your operation peace of mind with the knowledge that the LightSpeed control system updates itself three times every second. While it monitors flow and pressures, it has the ability to shut the system down to an idle if parameters are not met faster than your crew can call out on a radio. LightSpeed provides an extra layer of safety and pump efficiency without adding more crew members.
Pigging the Line
The last thing you want to do after putting out a fire is haul heavy LDH around the fire scene. Water can add immense weight to hose, as well as potentially lead to mold or mildew in the long run when stored wet. Extend the service life of your hose and save energy by pigging the line of excess water. Puck’s pigging system uses a foam ball or bullet to purge the LDH of water left sitting in the hose.
The quick connections of the pig catching manifold easily join together with the hose. These connections swivel to prevent the manifold from moving or shifting off the ground with additional air pressure. The manifold's sturdy base keeps it in place as the pigging kickball moves through the line. The pig launching manifold at the beginning of the line easily connects to Air Raid hose for quick and easy cleanup at the scene.
Big fires need big water with high flows. The Puck Fire Suppression System is a water supply solution feeding high-capacity water over long distances. Puck has built our brand on creating efficient water transfer solutions using less manpower. Puck Fire equipment is designed for rapid deployment to get water to fire fast. Learn more about our fire suppression system by contacting a sales team member or requesting a demo.