a photo of a manure lagoon with an agitation boat in it and an AGI 1708 X sitting on the shoreline. in the back there is a barn visible and the Nova Scotia coastline
December 13, 2023

Premiere Nutrient, Inc. Testimonial

Based out of Nova Scotia on Canada’s East Coast, Premiere Nutrient, Inc. was established in 2012. Between the Spring and Fall seasons, Premiere Nutrient pumps about 30 million gallons a year with a full line of Puck equipment. The company specializes in custom dragline application with some custom agitation. Premiere Nutrient has made equipment upgrades through the years to improve efficiencies and to make themselves more applicable to farmers.

Favorite Equipment

Laura Smith, a custom applicator for Premiere Nutrient, says that her favorite equipment is either the Long Reach AGI or the agitation boat. “Upgrading to the Long Reach has definitely helped us open more opportunities for both us and farmers. We can now pump from pretty well any pit: whether it be a slop barn, a slurrystore, or a lagoon.” Puck agitation trailers fit all pumps up to 13 feet deep. They have two independently gated nozzles that rotate 180 degrees.

“Looking at the boat features,” Laura continues, “it’s definitely a value added piece of equipment for us in this operation. We’re able to do the custom agitation for farmers that dragline really wouldn’t be applicable for.” With up to 8,000 gpm, the agitation boat has the ability to agitate, transfer, load wagons and force feed. They also double as a lead pump. Puck’s agitation boat provides full control from the shore with auto-steer features and LightSpeed technology.

When it comes to technology, LightSpeed is at the top of Laura’s list. “When it comes to LightSpeed, it’s definitely our favorite piece of technology. It makes it so that we can literally be in two places at once.” Equipped on all Puck pumps, LightSpeed allows users to regulate pressures and monitor all lead and booster pumps from any connected device. “While looking at the factors it’s added for our efficiency, it also provides tons of safety measures for both us and the equipment.” LightSpeed allows operators to monitor and control the entire pump system from a single screen. Limits built into the pump structure protect the hydraulic systems. Auto-Throttle allows the unit to regulate pressure, with preset inlet and outlet pressures helping maintain safe operating levels.

Pump School

Laura recently attended Pump School, which is designed to help custom applicators of all experience levels learn how to be more efficient, safe, and profitable. “The Pump School experience itself was next to none,” says Laura. “We were able to ask our own questions that apply to our own business and all of the Puck staff were more than willing to answer. If they didn't have an answer for you that day, they would definitely get it for you.”

Pump School strives to improve the industry and find new solutions to problems. Pump School classes encourage participants to ask challenging questions. Each class takes time to network with others in the industry, compare operations, and share what works best for them. Collaboration and information sharing are what makes Pump School what it is. It's an event to help improve the industry for all involved.

“There’s definitely a reason that Premiere Nutrient, when it was established, used and will definitely continue to use Puck equipment,” says Laura. “Not only for the excellent equipment they come up with, but the staff and the Puck community is truly the best.” If you would like to learn more about our products, contact us online or call (712) 655-9200. Be sure to check out our events calendar for upcoming Pump School sessions.
