the backside of a Honey Badge with a boom extended into a confinement barn with the title Meet the Honey Badger
November 4, 2016

Meet the Honey Badger!

Honey Badgers
By Nancy Trapolino
November 4, 2016

"They are awesome. Everybody loves the honey badger. They're not too big, like everyone thought they'd be," says Jake Doyel, Application Manager at PCE.

He continued, explaining how easy they are to set up.  With the extra reach in the boom, you just have to be within the vicinity of the pump-out.  Park, set the outriggers, and place the boom.  All within minutes.

Now the crews pull in and service several pump-outs without moving the machine.  They can often service two barns from one set-up.

This has made things considerably easier and much more efficient.  Before the Honey Badger, the crews had to shut down and launch a pig so they could move the lead pump and the mainline to the other barn.  Now they just move the boom.

The honey badger works in tight locations

Tight locations?  The short cab is easier to see out of and maneuver than a pickup and trailer, making the Honey Badger the winner.

The crews have also noted that the hydrostat pressure is lower with the Cornell feeder pumps, around 3500 as compared to the DODA pumps that operate closer to 5000.  "It's just better," commented Doyel.  "I get more flow, and don't have to worry about it getting too hot."

The force feeds give efficient and consistent results.  They make it easier to see changes toward the end of the barn and make simple adjustments.  LightSpeed sends all the information about the feeder pump and pit depth to the applicator, so the crew knows how they're doing and can plan accordingly.

How about Slurry Stores?

"It goes right over the top," states Doyel, "It's so much easier, and there's a nozzle on the boom - so we can stir with it too."

The Honey Badger is a big trailer, so they added storage cabinets to keep all the extras they need to carry, freeing their pickups from clutter.


Lagoons require the Lagoon Feeder attachment to get to the bottom.  Or when it gets low, they can pull their Agitation Boat to shore and feed a booster pump a few lengths away.

Is it worth the price?

“I would never want to go to the field without a Honey Badger ever again,” claims Doyel.  "We can take it anywhere. It's so much easier, more efficient, and we get more flow."

Learn more about Puck's innovation in liquid transfer and application by contacting a member of the sales team.
